But I believe this is because most of the

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But I believe this is because most of the

Post by tmonower959 »

Offers range from . to . and include extras options such as cash bonuses. commissions. tips or profit sharing. However. this is for salari employees. what if it’s a freelancer or business owner doing their own affiliate marketing Here are some details. according to a survey from the Influencer Marketing Center Annual Income Statement of Affiliates In other words. more than half of affiliate marketers make less than . a year. while only % make more than . a year. This is.

not good. Certainly not enough to live in most countries. respondents don’t do affiliate marketing full-time. Working in the affiliate marketing world myself and being in contact with hundrs of other affiliate marketers Whatsapp Mobile Number List gives me a hunch that most full-time affiliate marketers make less than . a year. maybe . to . about . That said. this is my personal experience. not a survey or research study. so take this with a grain of salt.


Revenue and Net Profit When answering the question of how much money do affiliate marketers make. you have to consider actual net profit numbers. not just revenue. Revenue is the money a business makes before expenses are duct. Net profit refers to income after ducting expenses . Profit. therefore. is the actual net income your business earns in a year. That’s why I say most affiliate marketers make between . and . per year. This means profit after expenses.
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