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The updates are already

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2023 3:45 am
by parvej980
Now using the thumbnail you will be able to: Promote your videos - by selecting any video or playlist from your channel or letting YouTube do it for you. Invite people to subscribe to your channel. Add a graphic with a link to your website. Promote another YouTube channel. Changes to call-to-action buttons Facebook has implemented some very cool changes this month regarding call-to-action buttons that make it easier for users to interact with companies. New button categories have been added, and with them new possibilities.

Place Order – Allows customers to place orders Book – which allows you to book an appointment Buy tickets – allowing you to purchase tickets for events. View repertoire - thanks to which customers can see the schedule of photo retouching events Currently, these updates work in the United States and are integrated with services such as Delivery Slice, Home Advisor and Ticketmaster, but probably with the implementation of the update in other countries, other local services will also appear. Integration with Messenger Facebook has also added three new call-to-action buttons that have been integrated with the Messenger application. When someone clicks on one of these buttons.


They will create a new Messenger thread. Download offer – through which customers can request a service offer Reservation – i.e. a request for a reservation Buy now – which can be used by all websites presenting their products in the store section And the last new function on Facebook, which is available to all users, i.e. the so-called recommendations from friends. If we are in a new city that we don't know and we want to buy something local, eat well or do something interesting, we can ask friends about it, who can not only suggest companies, but also mark them on the map. As I have already mentioned, available in the USA, so we will probably be able to use them soon as well. Twitter is abandoning Vine Finally, some sad news.